I’ve already got two main Blogger blogs – Joy’s Blog (my book blog) and Joysweb (photos, memes, and other weird stuff), as well as a few others that are mostly lists of various sorts. And a couple of WordPress blogs that I update only occasionally. Plus a number of others that have never quite made it beyond the personal and private category (maybe someday . . . ).
So you’d think I’d have quite enough to keep me busy as a little bee. And you’d be right, of course. But right up there with my addiction to books is my other bad habit – dolls. And although I’m not actively collecting at the moment, I do have a huge collection. Well, it’s actually more of an accumulation – it’s not coherent enough to be called a collection.
I always say I never met a doll I didn’t like (apologies to Will Rogers), and though that might be a bit of an exaggeration, it’s very nearly true. I find them hard to resist. Just ask my husband (no, don’t – he’s nearly as addicted as I am).
But I thought it might be fun to start a little blog dedicated to dolls and my